Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hitting the target

I've spent my day thusfar working on a project that is due tomorrow. It's mostly done, and I plan to get it to the client by close of business today.

The project involves messaging: I've been asked to draft 30-second, 60-second and 3-minute messages that staff can use when they're talking to the outside world. The 30- and 60-second messages were fairly easy, but I am struggling a bit with the 3-minute message. I was given plenty of material to work with, so it's not a lack of information that's causing the problem. It's that I find myself walking a fine line between "relevant" and "fluff".

One of the background pieces I was given was a survey that, among other things, ranks the key issues among two of the groups the messaging is supposed to target. I think that will be the most important information for me to focus on as I enter the final phase of writing for this draft.

Wish me luck!

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